Technical Program | AIChE

Technical Program

**All times listed in EST (US)

Thursday, November 4th

Start Time

End Time


9:55 AM

10:00 AM

Welcome Remarks- Karmella Ann Haynes and Albert Keung

10:00 AM

10:30 AM

Keynote Speaker: Clifford Brangwynne - Introduced by Katie Galloway

10:30 AM

10:40 AM

Stretch Break and Hallway Chats

10:40 AM

12:00 PM

Session 1: Sensing Epigenetic Modifications

Session Chair: Karmella Haynes

10:40 AM

11:05 AM

Invited Speaker: Gang Greg Wang, UNC Chapel Hill

11:05 AM

11:30 AM

Invited Speaker: Karmella Haynes - Introduced By Lacra Bintu

11:30 AM

11:45 AM

Selected Abstract: Heterogenous Global Demethylation in Naïve Embryonic Stem Cells Results from Differences in DNA Methylation Maintenance in Single Cells - Alex Chialastri

11:45 AM

12:00 PM

Selected Abstract:Targeted Nuclease Strategies for Mapping R-Loop Chromatin Structures - Kavitha Sarma

12:00 PM

1:00 PM

Poster Session

1:00 PM

1:30 PM

Keynote Speaker: Karolin Luger, University of Colorado in Boulder - Introduced by Lacra Bintu

1:30 PM

1:40 PM

Stretch Break and Hallway Chats

1:30 PM

2:50 PM

Session 2: Emerging Technologies

Session Chair: Isaac Hilton

1:30 PM

1:55 PM

Invited Speaker: Lacra Bintu, Stanford University

1:55 PM

2:20 PM

Invited Speaker: Aaron Streets, University of California, Berkeley

2:20 PM

2:35 PM

Selected Abstract: A Bisulfite-Free Approach for Base-Resolution Analysis of Genomic 5-Carboxylcytosine - Janina Licyte 

2:35 PM

2:50 PM

Selected Abstract: Using Single Cell, Noncoding CRISPR/Cas9-Based Regulatory Element Screening to Dissect Regulatory Mechanisms in Complex Genetic Loci - Lexi Bounds

2:50 PM

3:00 PM

Stretch Break and Hallway Chats

3:00 PM

3:45 PM

Phase Condensate Panel: Clifford Brangwynne, Mitchell Guttman, and Geeta Narlikar- Moderated by Albert Keung


Friday, November 5th

Start Time

End Time


10:00 AM

10:30 AM

Keynote Speaker: Edith Heard, EMBL Heidelberg - Introduced by David Katz

10:30 AM

10:40 AM

Stretch Break and Hallway Chats

10:40 AM

12:00 PM

Session 3: Nuclear Organization

Session Chair: Katie Galloway

10:40 AM

11:05 AM

Invited Speaker: Ana Pombo, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine

11:05 AM

11:30 AM

Invited Speaker: Mitchell Guttman, California Institute of Technology

11:30 AM

11:45 AM

Selected Abstract: Simultaneous Measurement of DNA Methylation and Genome-Nuclear Lamina Interactions in Single Cells - David Podorefsky

11:45 AM

12:00 PM

Selected Abstract: Submolecular-Resolution 3D Dynamics of Heterochromatin Formation - Dmitri Kireev

12:00 PM

1:00 PM

Poster Session

1:00 PM

1:10 PM

Stretch Break and Hallway Chats

1:10 PM

2:30 PM

Session 4: Perturbing Chromatin

Session Chairs: Paola Arimondo

1:10 PM

1:35 PM

Invited Speaker: Henriette O'Geen, University of California Davis

1:35 PM

2:00 PM

Invited Speaker: Stanley Qi, Stanford University

2:00 PM

2:15 PM

Selected Abstract: Chromatin-Mediated Alternative Splicing Regulates Reward Behavior - Elizabeth Heller

2:15 PM

2:30 PM

Selected Abstract: Systematic Comparison of CRISPR-Based Transcriptional Activators Uncovers Gene-Regulatory Features of Enhancer-Promoter Interactions. - Kai Wang

2:30 PM

3:30 PM

Lunch with a Legend


6:00 PM

6:45 PM

Black in Chromatin: Evening Networking Session


Saturday, November 6th

Start Time

End Time


10:00 AM

10:30 AM

Keynote Speaker: Stephan Beck -- Introduced by Paola Arimondo

10:30 AM

10:40 AM

Stretch Break and Hallway Chats

10:40 AM

12:00 PM

Session 5: Epigenetics in Health and Development

Session Chair: David Katz

10:40 AM

11:05 AM

Invited Speaker: Mary Goll, University of Georgia

11:05 AM

11:30 AM

Invited Speaker: Greg Davis, Sangamo

11:30 AM

12:00 PM

Selected Abstract (Combined Presentation): Observing Neurodegeneration in Real Time Using 2-Photon Microscopy in the LSD1 Inducible Mouse Model - Yu Bai and Saahj Gosrani

12:00 PM

12:10 PM

Stretch Break and Hallway Chats

12:10 PM

1:30 PM

Session 6: Biophysics of Chromatin

Session Chair: Lacra Bintu

12:10 PM

12:35 PM

Invited Speaker: Geeta Narlikar, University of California, San Francisco

12:35 PM

1:00 PM

Invited Speaker: Toshio Tsukiyama, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

1:00 PM

1:15 PM

Selected Abstract: Phase-Separated Heterochromatin Domains Impart Mechanical Stiffness to the Nucleus - Ivan Surovtsev

1:15 PM

1:30 PM

Selected Abstract: HP1 Oligomerization Compensates for Low-Affinity H3K9me Recognition and Provides a Tunable Mechanism for Heterochromatin-Specific Localization - Saikat Biswas

1:30 PM

1:40 PM

Closing Remarks